In line with the participatory approach of the SustainSahel project, as a special meeting with innovation platform members, farmers highlighted the importance of creating an informative video on intercropping. Such a resource would strengthen farmers’ understanding of the practice, inspire wider adoption, and improve awareness among farming communities about its benefits.
Additionally, members expressed interest in introducing multi-purpose woody legumes to their fields. This initiative addresses critical challenges, including tree depopulation, shrinking pastoral lands, soil degradation, and animal nutrition issues. SustainSahel has supported two approaches to this introduction: research-led efforts using seedlings and cuttings, and a farmer-led approach where legume nurseries are managed by specialised farmers with support from the AOPP.
Farmers stressed the importance of showing and discussing intercropping methods in detail. They suggested the video include practical guidance on preparing soil for germination, managing nurseries, and planting techniques. These details would help ensure the successful propagation of trees and the establishment of living hedges that act as windbreaks and contribute to soil conservation.
They also emphasized the need for the video to address tree management practices, such as community-led strategies to protect plants from animals and fires, as well as training in pest control and nursery stock production. Understanding planting periods, nursery care, and the steps required to protect young plants from threats are crucial elements for farmers looking to adopt these techniques.
This input was taken into account from the project partner that is responsible for video production, Access Agriculture. The video is now in production, in close collaboration with farmers.