CSE - Ecological Monitoring Centre, Senegal
CSE is a non-profit association of public utility with about 40 staff members, under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Senegal. It is a reference centre for the application of geospatial technologies to the management of natural resources and the environment in Senegal and West Africa. The mission of the CSE is mainly the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of environmental statistics and information to decision makers. Its great experience in agro-silvo-pastoral monitoring justifies the various collaborations with the Ministries in charge of agriculture, livestock, fishing, with universities and farmers' organizations (e.g., CNCR) in Senegal as well as with international organisations (e.g., GRA, IRD, CIRAD, ULiège).
CSE is co-founder (with CIRAD, UCAD and ISRA) of the Pole Pastoralisme et Zones Sèches (PPZS) where it contributes mainly to studies on the impacts of global changes on pastoral ecosystems and their ecosystem services. CSE has been involved in several projects funded by the European Space Agency (e.g., GMFS), the European development funds (e.g., AMESD, MESA) and EU framework programmes (e.g., AGRICAB, SENBIO-INFOS). It is currently leading the GDZHAO consortium into the GMES & Africa programme, for a project about wetlands monitoring using earth observation data in eight West African countries (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Niger, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire).
Role in project
CSE is lead of WP7 and co-lead of WP8 with contribution to other WPs.
Key persons involved
- Dr. Abdoul Aziz Diouf: Leader of WP7; work within WP5 and WP4
- Mr. Ousmane Bocoum: Lead the collection, analysis and formatting of existing maps and data
- Dr. Marieme Diallo: Responsible for activities on CSL inventory in collaboration with FiBL in WP3. She will also support WP5 and WP2
- Mrs Thioro Codou Niang: Main communication contact (WP8)