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Exploring new topics for video production by SustainSahel projects partners

Access Agriculture works across all developing countries to enable the south-south exchange of and access to quality audio-visual training materials to secure sustainable livelihoods of rural people. They will contribute new video materials for the SustainSahel project in the coming year.

Discussion on the way forward for selection of relevant topics. Photo: Eric Koomson, University of Hohenheim.

Access Agriculture produces quality farmer-to-farmer training videos with local partners when part of large projects with a last mile delivery component and facilitates and builds capacity for translating quality farmer-to-farmer training videos into local languages. These videos provide quality training material for rural advisory services and agricultural education systems and improve access of youth, women, smallholder, and marginalised farmers to relevant knowledge.

Steps to produce high-quality farmer-to-farmer videos

The production of high-quality videos starts with identifying relevant topics, followed by a factsheet and script writing, then filming and editing, and then encoding and uploading the various video and audio files on the website. Access Agriculture has trained young professionals from various countries to produce videos. The process is iterative, involving videographers and experts in the topics to check and comment on the factsheet, script, and video. Videos on the website cover different categories, including crops, livestock, aquaculture, sustainable land management and business are produced and uploaded on the website.

Identification of relevant topics for video production

During the last annual meeting of SustainSahel, Access Agriculture explained to project partners this production process of high-quality videos and organised a video show on Zaï planting to raise awareness of the type of videos uploaded on the website. Participants understood that producing a single video requires investment and time. Participants expressed the need for more videos on agroforestry and asked Access Agriculture to increase the library of videos in this category.

Following the presentation of what is required to produce a high-quality video, partners suggested topics for video production during a brainstorming session. Potential innovations and suitable farmers’ practices were discussed. Participants have suggested 16 topics covering agroforestry systems, sustainable land management, animal health, and mechanisation for agroforestry systems.

Access Agriculture will only consider making videos that are in keeping with its values and the principles of agroecology. Topics that require the use of chemicals are not considered. For SustainSahel, it is best if a video can cover an innovation that can improve farmers’ knowledge in the three countries. The videos that will be produced will provide a valuable resource for farmers in the Sahel region.

Written by: Jonas Wanvoeke, Project Manager, Access Agriculture

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