Soil moisture retention varies according to the type of pruning. It is highest with Guiera senegalensis, followed in descending order by Piliostigma reticulatum and Gliricidia sepium, both of which have a low soil water retention capacity.
The addition of Gliricidia sepium prunings under surface composting had a significant effect on all sorghum growth parameters (crown diameter, plant height and number of leaves).
The application of Gliricidia sepium with or without the application of the half-dose of popularized mineral fertilizer (50 kg cereal complex/ha and 25 kg urea/ha) contributed to the development of the best sorghum yields in terms of both grain and above-ground biomass. The rate of increase in grain yield of Gliricidia sepium compared with Guiera senegalensis and Piliostigma reticulatum was 103% and 64% respectively.
Effects of Faidherbia albida planting density on sorghum and cowpea productivity in rotation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Mali.
Faidherbia albida plants were planted at densities of 100, 200 and 300 plants per hectare. Planting was carried out in 2021-2022, with a recovery rate of 93.33%. During the first two years of the study, planting density had no significant effect on the growth parameters and yield of the associated crops (cowpea and sorghum).
Written by: M. Souleymane Koné : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Aliou Badara Kouyaté : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Hawa Coulibaly : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Sidi Sanogo: IER/CRRA de Sikasso; Pr Sidiki Gabriel Dembélé : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Fagaye Sissoko : CNRA, Bamako
Further information
IPR/FRA - Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée Website