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Effects of woody plants on growth and yield parameters of sorghum and cowpea in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Mali

Woody crop pruning effects on soil moisture and sorghum yields.

Soil moisture retention varies according to the type of pruning. It is highest with Guiera senegalensis, followed in descending order by Piliostigma reticulatum and Gliricidia sepium, both of which have a low soil water retention capacity.

The addition of Gliricidia sepium prunings under surface composting had a significant effect on all sorghum growth parameters (crown diameter, plant height and number of leaves). 

The application of Gliricidia sepium with or without the application of the half-dose of popularized mineral fertilizer (50 kg cereal complex/ha and 25 kg urea/ha) contributed to the development of the best sorghum yields in terms of both grain and above-ground biomass. The rate of increase in grain yield of Gliricidia sepium compared with Guiera senegalensis and Piliostigma reticulatum was 103% and 64% respectively.

Effects of Faidherbia albida planting density on sorghum and cowpea productivity in rotation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Mali.

Faidherbia albida plants were planted at densities of 100, 200 and 300 plants per hectare. Planting was carried out in 2021-2022, with a recovery rate of 93.33%.  During the first two years of the study, planting density had no significant effect on the growth parameters and yield of the associated crops (cowpea and sorghum).

Written by: M. Souleymane Koné : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Aliou Badara Kouyaté : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Hawa Coulibaly : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Sidi Sanogo: IER/CRRA de Sikasso; Pr Sidiki Gabriel Dembélé : Enseignant/Chercheur IPR-IFRA ; Dr Fagaye Sissoko : CNRA, Bamako

Further information


IPR/FRA - Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée Website

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